2020 Atlantic International Chapter of AFS Virtual Meeting

AIC October Meeting
Hosted by UNH student subunit

Video of the October 2020 virtual meeting is here: https://unh.box.com/s/xtcxpsm0jbtdutujgoyhlg5r9qtzg81l

Wednesday, October 28. 4:00pm- 5:30pm ET. Zoom Link: https://unh.zoom.us/j/97463754763

Agenda (subject to change)

4pm: Welcome and introduction

4:05- Lars Hammer, Movements and feeding of Arctic char relative to summer ice-off in an Arctic embayment

4:17- Nate Hermann Using yearlong movements to explore seasonal adaptations of Arctic sculpin

4:29- Elizabeth Fairchild US Lumpfish Consortium: promoting cleanerfish in salmonid farming

4:41- Mary Kate Munley, The effects of prolonged exposure to hypoxia and Florida red tide (Karenia brevis) on the survival and activity of stone crabs

4:53- Nicholas Anderson Assessing eelgrass health in James Bay, Québec using the Eelgrass Health Index

5:05- Chloe Pearson, Abundance and foraging ecology of juvenile black sea bass, cunner, and tautog in the Narragansett Bay Estuary (Rhode Island, USA)

5:17- Nate Spada The optimization of larval and juvenile lumpfish aquaculture

5:30- Adjourn


August 2020 Virtual MEETING – August 25 from 4pm – 535pm EST


AIC August Virtual Meeting – Preliminary Schedule
Prepared by Matt Mensinger ([email protected])

When: Tuesday, August 25th at 4:00pm (EDT).
Where: Online! We are using Jitsi, a free, easy to use, meeting platform. Join the meeting here: https://meet.jit.si/AFSAICAugustVirtualMeeting
Format: A series of short presentations (5-7min) by UMaine AFS students, faculty, and friends.
Schedule (subject to change)

4:00-4:05pm – Introduction 4:05-4:15pm – Dr. Dan Weaver (Maine Sea Grant), Forecasting the upstream movement of adult Atlantic salmon.

4:15-4:25pm – Erin Peterson (graduate student), American shad movements in the Penobscot River.

4:25-4:35pm – Kory Whittum (graduate student), Fish assemblage response to Dam removal on the Penobscot River, Maine.

4:35-4:45pm – Kathryn Sloane (graduate student), Using micro-respirometry to measure mitochondrial function throughout early development in Atlantic Salmon embryos.

4:45-4:55pm – Dr. Joseph Zydlewski (USGS Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit), Diadromous fish research in the Penobscot River.

4:55-5:05pm – Sarah Vogel (graduate student), Modeling flow in Penobscot River pre and post dam removal.

5:05-5:15pm – Matt Mensinger (graduate student), American eel survival in an impounded river system.

5:15-5:25pm – Akila Harishchandra (graduate student), Fish thermal physiology integrated species distribution modeling to predict climate change-driven marine fish habitat range shifts. 5:25-

5:35pm – Gabriella Marafino (graduate student), Alternative fishing strategies in a tidally dynamic ecosystem.



July 2020 Virtual MEETING – July 30 from 4pm-515pm EST


The link to attend the July Virtual MEETING is: https://meet.jit.si/AFS_AIC_JulyVirtualConference.

Click link to the right for the agenda – AIC Virtual Meeting July 30 2020, 4pm – 515pm EST.  This meeting will be hosted by the Quebec subunit of the AIC and will include presentations from Graduate students and professors from Universities in Quebec and Nova Scotia.  Our keynote presenter will be Dr. Olivier Morissette from the Quebec Ministry of Foresty, Wildlife and Parks discussing fishery management in Quebec.

 An August edition of the virtual meeting will be hosted by the University of Maine subunit and will highlight talks from students in Maine and New Hampshire.


June 23, 2020

Dear AIC-AFS membership. The organizing committee of the 2020 AIC-AFS meeting has been actively discussing this year’s conference and have decided to move the entire proceedings to a virtual format. Given the current circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic we see this as the only safe alternative for the membership.


Currently, we are in the process of discussing the next steps forward. We have decided to use the AFS conference format as a template and are exploring how we can ensure we are either, a) included in the AFS parent conference, or b) will be using their platform to hold our own.


More information will be made available in the coming weeks.


We hope you stay well, and we look forward to meeting with you in a virtual format in September and again in person at future AFS-AIC meetings.